Some Thoughts on Shadows and Light

I’ve been spiritually marinating in Psalm 23 quite a bit recently. Think about this: David mentions the valley of the shadow of death. The shadow of death. Shadows are simply natural outcome of an obstacle coming between us and the light.

No shadow can harm you. The light is still shining. It is the light that casts the shadow. So, let me ask: what obstacle has come between you and the Lord? What is casting a shadow over your life? Is it fear of something or someone? Maybe unforgiveness? A sinful habit you think is unbreakable? A situation unbearable? An issue insurmountable? Go to the Lord in prayer. Confess your sins and ask forgiveness. Cast your cares on God. Open your Bible and read what He has to say. Seek God first. Listen to Him and trust in Him and recognize He is the Sovereign God.

No shadow can harm you. The light is still shining. Do not fear or dread the shadows. They have no substance. God is the evershining light. He is right there, in the heart of every one of His children. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding,

God loves you. Spend some time with Him. Rest in Him. Be grateful to the Lord our Father. Sleep well friends.