Knowing God

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
   and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
   and he will make straight your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

For Christmas, my parents got me a copy of J.I. Packer’s Knowing God – a book I would heartily recommend to anybody seeking to deepen their study of God and His Word.  As I was reading this morning, I stopped to ponder a question he posses: why do I study the Bible?  And what do I intend to do with what I learn?  I must admit, there is a temptation for me to learn simply for the sake of feeling smarter.  But, really, where is the benefit in being a theological Cliff Claven?

Packer writes, “If we pursue theological knowledge for its own sake, it is bound to go bad on us.  It will make us proud and conceited.”  I pray that is not me.  While the temptation exists, my reasons for studying theology is two-fold: one, to be equipped to be a better teacher of the Gospel, for I am very aware of the warning of James 3:1.  The other is to know God better.  Not simply to know Him, but to develop a deeper relationship with my Creator and Savior.

It is truly amazing that we are able to have a personal relationship with the One True God and Creator of All.  It’s why we do not worship idols made for God (well, we’re not supposed to anyway).  We do not need an idol representative of God.  We can approach God Himself, for He approaches us.  We can have a relationship with God.

We can have a relationship with GOD.  God.  Think about that for just a moment.  Anything that exists, has ever existed, or ever will exist is from God.  Every human being in history existed because of God.  Every planet is aligned where it is because of God.  Every snowflake owes its intricacy to God.  There is absolutely nothing created that does not owe its creation to the Lord God, Creator of all.

But, He didn’t just create it all and abandon creation.  God is our sustainer as well.  He is active in every aspect, no matter how big, no matter how detailed.  This God, whose immenseness is far beyond our grasp, whose magnitude (which, when pondered, is a sure cure for human ego), desires to have a relationship with us.

With me.

With you.

And relationships require trust.  In order to trust someone, you need to know them.  And how do we get to know God?  By studying His Word.

Today, I want to encourage you to develop the habit of prayerfully getting to know God a little better each day.  Spend five minutes in the Bible every day.  You will find that you crave that time, and five minutes will become ten, then twenty…. and you will notice your trust in God, your relationship with the Trinity, growing deeper ad strengthening daily.

Now… what are you waiting for??  Go grab that Bible and prayerfully get to know our Creator better!