Just Call Me Coho

Every fall, the Coho and Chinook salmon travel up the Grand River to spawn. And, every fall, my dad and his best friend Charlie would make the long trek to the Sixth Street Dam in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan, to join the throng of anglers, each trying catch of few of these salmon.

Thinking back, I feel a little sorry for the fish. Some made it to the fish ladders and safely beyond the dam to their destination upriver. But, for those who didn’t… as the old saying goes, it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Or, rather, hooking them.

All these poor salmon were doing were trying to fulfill their mission in life: the annual migration they were designed to make. Yet here, halfway into their momentous yearly trip, was a huge barrier. And a bunch of fishermen awaiting them, eager to take advantage of their plight. How frustrating it must have been to be one of the salmon that just couldn’t find its way to the ladders.

There are days when we feel like one of those salmon. We’re just trying to do what we feel God has called us to do, trying to get to our destination, trying to find the ladder.

Sometimes we hit a barrier.

Sometimes our attention is turned by the shiny jig and hook.

Sometimes we get reeled in and filleted.

If this is you today, take heart. You aren’t swimming upstream alone. You have a whole school of fish travelling with you. Most importantly, we have God with us. Remember, Jesus promised: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29, ESV).

Can’t find the ladder to safety ahd deliverance? You just might be looking in the wrong direction. Look to Jesus and swim easier.

The Stability of Certainty

Life is uncertain.  The news brings that fact into high relief on a daily basis (which is one reason I am personally avoiding watching the news these days, which is tough for an infojunkie like myself.  But that’s another story…)  If there is one thing people desire – crave – it is some stability in life.

Our problem is one of perception.  Our circumstances are all our reasoning minds see.  And, as faulty humans, our perception is faulty as well.  That is because, unlike God, we are not omniscient.  We only know what we know (and often what we know is wrong as well).  We can see the situation we’re in, but we can’t always see what the outcome will be.  Or, worse yet, we see a negative ending to our situations.

Let’s face it: we can’t control many (if not most) of the circumstances that come our way.  Now here comes the good news: we don’t have to be in control!  We can put our trust in God and rest secure that, no matter what comes our way, He is in control and working on our behalf, for “we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (Romans 8:28, NLT).

We tend to look at our circumstances, rolling over the troubles in our minds as they build and build and build into a mountain of worry and despair.  The solution is a change of mind: instead of focusing on life’s uncertainties, we need to focus on God.  Let go of the doubts and fears that paralyze us and put our faith in our source of stability – God, the One Who never changes:

“Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” – James 1:17 (NLT)

Jesus promised us tribulation in our lives.  But He also gave us a solution to our malaise: “Take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NLT).  When we live by faith in God through Jesus Christ, we find our source of stability and peace in life.