I Hear the Train A-Comin’

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
    fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh
    and refreshment to your bones.

Proverbs 3:5-8 (ESV)

I think this picture is a fair representation of the world today. Don’t you?

Life can feel so out of control.

Troubles all around the world (Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Ukraine, Russia, China, Taiwan, Iran, etc. etc.),


Political shenanigans (on all sides – no finger pointing).

Violence on the rise.

People divided by racism, by religion, by politics, by economic status, by social status…

Noisy protests, counterprotests, protests against protests…

A Frasier reboot without Niles Crane.

The world has become such a scary place that one major online news outlet has a special link to stories about “extreme weather”.

Doom and gloom abound.

But, read this: we have no reason to fear.

Let me repeat: we have no reason to fear.

Why is that? Only God is sovereign.

What does that mean? It means God is in full control, and we are not.

It means “our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases” (Psalm 115:3, ESV).

It means “the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9, ESV).

It means God knows what He’s doing, and who are we to question His wisdom and ways. Romans 9 lays this out for us.

We are not in control. And that’s good news because it appears the engineer has jumped off the screaming disaster-bound locomotive.

We are not omniscient. We don’t know all the facts, nor do we know what’s going to happen in five seconds, let alone tomorrow. Nor are we omnipotent. We cannot thwart God’s will. Likewise, we are not omnipresent. We are bound by physical limitations, whereas God sees everything, everywhere, at all times past, present and future, laid out before Him. He is absolutely boundless and beyond our comprehension.

God is in control. We need to trust Him in all things great and small, personal and worldwide, for everything is in His hands. No matter how dire circumstances may seem. No matter how hopeless it all appears.

And God loves us. He offers us forgiveness, strength, peace, grace, hope, direction… everything we need. Don’t trust in what you feel. Don’t let fear, anxiety or worry grab hold of you. Pray with expectancy, thanksgiving and faith. Trust in God. Focus on Him and know it’s all OK.

Impossible? Never!

“But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” – Matthew 19:29 [ESV].

100 years old.  A century.  Think about it… someone who is 100 years old today was born the same year Woodrow Wilson became president.  The average wage earner brought home just under $1300 per year.  Milk cost 32 cents a gallon, gas was 12 cents and the average car $490.  World War I was still a year away.  Cracker Jack started putting prizes in their boxes, and the IRS started collecting federal income tax.  Stainless steel was invented that year, Henry Ford introduced the assembly line, and Charlie Chaplin began his film career.

Let’s face it.  A lot happens over the course of a century.  If you live to be 100 and still live on your own, you are doing remarkably well.  If you’re really blessed, Willard Scott will show your picture on the “Today” show.  The last thing you expect is to hear is, “Next year, you two will have a baby!”   Especially of you and your spouse were never able to conceive a child.

Consider Abraham and Sarah.  Abraham is no Tony Randall.  His wife is a spry 90 years old.  And, when Sarah overheard the proclamation that she would give birth at her age, she laughed.  (Wouldn’t you?)  And God’s response: “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” (Genesis 18:13, ESV).

Likewise, upon receiving the news from an archangel that she would conceive our Savior as a virgin, and that her cousin Elizabeth (who, coincidently, had never been able to conceive and had passed her childbearing years) was pregnant, Mary was astonished.  The angel’s response: “Nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37, ESV). 

And then there is the account of the rich young ruler, where we see how difficult it is to put God above all else, including / especially earthly wealth.  Jesus explains that, in and of ourselves, salvation is impossible.  We simply do not possess the wherewithal to save ourselves.  “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:29, ESV).

The Bible is filled with examples of the impossible: bodies healed, impossible battles won, astounding rescues, dead raised, thousands fed on the lunch of one child, lives turned around and set right, amazing grace and eternal love. 

This morning, our pastor challenged us with this: when was the last time you considered what God is possible of doing?  When did we last step out in faith, knowing nothing with God is impossible?  When did you last trust the LORD to see you through a difficulty, a hardship?  Sometimes it is easier to give up, to find a cave to crawl in and hide. 

But know this: God can do anything.  Whatever you are facing is no surprise to God.  Never will He say, “Whoa!  I didn’t see that one coming!”  Bad stuff happens.  But know that, when are at our lowest, “God works for the good of those who love him, whohave been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28, ESV).

There is a really good reason Jesus instructs us to seek the kingdom of God first, and do not worry (Matthew 6:33-34).  Worry binds us.  Anxiety torments us.  Fear freezes us solid.  But, realizing nothing is impossible with God… now that frees us! 

Tonight, I challenge us all with this: what are you afraid of?  What is holding you back?  What’s keeping you up at night?  Whatever it is, lay the worry aside.  Go to God.  Go to your quiet place, get down on your knees before the LORD and talk to Him.  Give Him your fears and doubts and anxious thoughts.  Trust Him to work in your life, in your circumstance, whatever it is.  Accept God’s will and realize that simply having God with you is greater than anything outcome you may fear, anything you dread facing, anything that causes you anxiety or fear or doubt. 

You are loved, more than you can comprehend.  Rest in the LORD.  Trust Him without exception, for that is what faith truly is.  And hang in there.  Our circumstances are rarely what they seem, and God can bring you an outcome of great blessing.  Just cling to Him and find your joy in the LORD through Jesus Christ.

Hang in There!

It took years.  A lot of years.  I wish I could tell you we were patient and joyful throughout that long period.  The ride was an emotional rollercoaster with more than its fair share of hopes dashed, plans scuttled and doubts expressed.  We almost gave up.  The pain and the stress of it all were more than we could bear.

Then the day finally came.  We prepared her bedroom, slathering on layers of pink paint and hanging dresses in the closet.  Her name was Lily.

Then we got matched.  Surprise!  Our daughter was a boy.  (Pink is easier to paint over than it seems.)

Austin is the perfect match for us, and we for him.  It is as if we share DNA.  He is our son.  It all happened at just the right time, in God’s time.  Had it been any other way, things could have been a disaster.  We couldn’t see it at the time.  All we could see was our heart for a child, the desire to be parents and the anguish of disappointment.

I’m reminded of something David wrote, as he was facing warfare and an enemy he thought was overwhelming: “But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.”  My times are in your hand; rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors!  Make your face shine on your servant; save me in your steadfast love!” (Psalm 31:14-16, ESV).  David knew a thing or two about waiting in anguish.  The psalms bear this out in amazing clarity.  David was waiting for God.  He was anguished.  He was frightened. 

But he was faithful.  He never gave up on God.  Even more importantly, God never gave up on David.  The faithfulness of our Lord never ceases to amaze me. 

My point is simply this: hang in there.  Whatever you are waiting on God for, hang in there.  What he has for you may not look anything like what you are anticipating.  But His will is infinitely better than ours.  Whatever you are waiting for, look to God.  Keep your focus on Him.  He will not let you down. 

Do you not know?
   Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
   the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
   and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
   and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
   and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD
   will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
   they will run and not grow weary,
   they will walk and not be faint. – Isaiah 40:28-31 (ESV)

Hang in there!  Wait for the Lord.  All good things come from Him in His good time.

Knowing God

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
   and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
   and he will make straight your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

For Christmas, my parents got me a copy of J.I. Packer’s Knowing God – a book I would heartily recommend to anybody seeking to deepen their study of God and His Word.  As I was reading this morning, I stopped to ponder a question he posses: why do I study the Bible?  And what do I intend to do with what I learn?  I must admit, there is a temptation for me to learn simply for the sake of feeling smarter.  But, really, where is the benefit in being a theological Cliff Claven?

Packer writes, “If we pursue theological knowledge for its own sake, it is bound to go bad on us.  It will make us proud and conceited.”  I pray that is not me.  While the temptation exists, my reasons for studying theology is two-fold: one, to be equipped to be a better teacher of the Gospel, for I am very aware of the warning of James 3:1.  The other is to know God better.  Not simply to know Him, but to develop a deeper relationship with my Creator and Savior.

It is truly amazing that we are able to have a personal relationship with the One True God and Creator of All.  It’s why we do not worship idols made for God (well, we’re not supposed to anyway).  We do not need an idol representative of God.  We can approach God Himself, for He approaches us.  We can have a relationship with God.

We can have a relationship with GOD.  God.  Think about that for just a moment.  Anything that exists, has ever existed, or ever will exist is from God.  Every human being in history existed because of God.  Every planet is aligned where it is because of God.  Every snowflake owes its intricacy to God.  There is absolutely nothing created that does not owe its creation to the Lord God, Creator of all.

But, He didn’t just create it all and abandon creation.  God is our sustainer as well.  He is active in every aspect, no matter how big, no matter how detailed.  This God, whose immenseness is far beyond our grasp, whose magnitude (which, when pondered, is a sure cure for human ego), desires to have a relationship with us.

With me.

With you.

And relationships require trust.  In order to trust someone, you need to know them.  And how do we get to know God?  By studying His Word.

Today, I want to encourage you to develop the habit of prayerfully getting to know God a little better each day.  Spend five minutes in the Bible every day.  You will find that you crave that time, and five minutes will become ten, then twenty…. and you will notice your trust in God, your relationship with the Trinity, growing deeper ad strengthening daily.

Now… what are you waiting for??  Go grab that Bible and prayerfully get to know our Creator better!

A Simple Antidote for the Wintertime Blues

Winter days get me down.  It’s cold and nasty out.  The walls of our little townhouse start to close in.  Even the dog and cats are little crabbier during these cold winter evenings.  If I allow it, life can easily get me down this time of year.

What I have to do is remind myself of this simple fact:

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. “ – Psalm 118:24 (ESV)

Being self-absorbed in our troubles is a dangerous place to hang out.  Boredom doesn’t help.  But the truth of our situations is simply that, despite how we feel, no matter how things look, we have cause to celebrate.  And, if we look hard enough, we can see that our blessings truly outweigh the negative in our lives. 

I look across the room at my beautiful wife, smiling and lovely, who loves me and supports me and takes such good care of me.  I would not be the man I am were it not for her.  I love her so much.

I look on the floor of our living at my beautiful four-year-old son, chatting away with his mother as he busily tends to his train set.  I think of the difficulties we endured to get him, and the great blessing that he is, and the faithfulness and grace and mercy of our loving Heavenly Father who saw us through the process, and blessed us with Austin.  He is the light in his mother and I’s life.

I look at the walls and give thanks that I have walls, and heat, and all of the comforts we take for granted.  I am sure I wouldn’t have to drive very far to find someone who does not have the basics of a home, let alone all these creature comforts.

I look at my feet, wrapped in the Indianapolis Colts / IU blanket my mother made for me two Christmases ago, and I think of my family and how blessed I am to be so loved, and how much I love all of them.

I realize how blessed I am and am amazed because, as blessed as I am, all of this pales in comparison to the great gift of God through Jesus Christ.  I am saved, and bathed in love, grace and mercy because of God’s great love for me.  I can trust the Lord with my very life.  He will never fail.  He will never abandon me.  He is all we truly need, for all good things are through Him, our Heavenly Father.

I can sit here and grumble about the cold, about my circumstances, about grievances or hurts or troubles or fears.  Or, I can look at the reality of my situation through the eyes of Truth:

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” – Philippians 4:8 (ESV).

The Stability of Certainty

Life is uncertain.  The news brings that fact into high relief on a daily basis (which is one reason I am personally avoiding watching the news these days, which is tough for an infojunkie like myself.  But that’s another story…)  If there is one thing people desire – crave – it is some stability in life.

Our problem is one of perception.  Our circumstances are all our reasoning minds see.  And, as faulty humans, our perception is faulty as well.  That is because, unlike God, we are not omniscient.  We only know what we know (and often what we know is wrong as well).  We can see the situation we’re in, but we can’t always see what the outcome will be.  Or, worse yet, we see a negative ending to our situations.

Let’s face it: we can’t control many (if not most) of the circumstances that come our way.  Now here comes the good news: we don’t have to be in control!  We can put our trust in God and rest secure that, no matter what comes our way, He is in control and working on our behalf, for “we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (Romans 8:28, NLT).

We tend to look at our circumstances, rolling over the troubles in our minds as they build and build and build into a mountain of worry and despair.  The solution is a change of mind: instead of focusing on life’s uncertainties, we need to focus on God.  Let go of the doubts and fears that paralyze us and put our faith in our source of stability – God, the One Who never changes:

“Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” – James 1:17 (NLT)

Jesus promised us tribulation in our lives.  But He also gave us a solution to our malaise: “Take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NLT).  When we live by faith in God through Jesus Christ, we find our source of stability and peace in life.